Herald of Civil Procedure

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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

The V Annual Symposium of the Journal “Journal of Civil Procedure” will be held. The theme of the symposium: "2018 - Law of Evidence in the civil process: current status and development prospects."

          On the 5th of October 2018 on the basis of the Law Faculty of the Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia) the V Annual Symposium of the Journal “Journal of Civil Procedure” will be held. The theme of the symposium: "2018 - Law of Evidence in the civil process: current status and development prospects."

The symposium will be attended by leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of civil process and information technology, in particular, proceduralists have already confirmed their participation: I.V. Reshetnikova, V.V. Yarkov, E.A. Borisova, O.V. Baulin, A.V. Yudin, Yu.V. Tai, D.L. Davydenko.

The reports of the participants will be published in a special issue of the journal “Bulletin of Civil Procedure” (the journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals VAK, RSCI, Web of Science - RSCI).

Information about previous symposia: http://civpro.org/ru/symposia/

Registration of participants of the symposium is carried out by filling out the registration form at the link: https://goo.gl/forms/on69sI9AjAy2UW1s2 or sending an application to the organizers indicating: the participant’s full name, the topic of the report (in case of a speech) or “participation without a report”, as well as contact information (tel., e-mail) until September 10, 2018.

Travel and accommodation of participants is paid independently. The organizers of the symposium provide catering and cultural program, the organizers can assist in booking the hotel. The venue of the symposium: Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Kremlin street, 18, main building, Faculty of Law).

Contacts for sending applications and questions related to participation in the event: Elena Bazilevskikh, +7 987 067 52 84, [email protected].

The program of the upcoming symposium is available at the link: Program 2018