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The Issues of Priority of The Action of Normative Legal Acts (Norm) (for Example of Ratio of Civil and Land Legislation)

(for Example of Ratio of Civil and Land Legislation) 

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Samara State University 

In article on the basis of the analysis of judicial practice and the relationship of civil and land legislation in regulating the connecting relations are the search for solutions to the problems of determining by the courts the priority of actions of those or other legal acts (norms) in the resolution of specific disputes. The author proceeds from the fact that the theoretical basis for its solution is the concept of “horizontal hierarchy”, which allows to set the ratio of regulatory legal acts issued by the same legislative body. It held the idea that industry codes have priority over the federal uncodified laws. The author is also based on the need of mutual recognition of the priority of sector-specific codes, the essence of which is that each of the codes should be given priority in relation to “their” rules contained in other industry codes. She also supports the view of the authors who believe that special rules may not conflict with the general rules, otherwise they will not be applied. On the basis of these theoretical positions are encouraged to develop legal rules on priority actions of those acts (standards) and to include them in the “law of laws”. 

Keywords: priority of code; the mutual priority of sector-specific codes; civil legislation; land legislation; special rules; judicial practice.


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Information about the author: 

Ruzanova V.D. (Samara) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law of the Samara University (443011, Samara, st. Academician Pavlov, 1, housing the Faculty of Law, room 306; e-mail: [email protected]).

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V.D. Ruzanova