Herald of Civil Procedure

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About Effective Remedies from Unjustified Restoration of Procedural Period

A.R. Sultanov, 
Head of the Legal Department of the PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim» 

The article deals with the problem of unjustified and unmotivated restoration of procedural period. The author has carried out its own search for effective remedies from such violations, and analyzed the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which also drew attention to this problem. Considering that for a long time unjustified unmotivated restoration of procedural period has been a negative reality of judicial practice, the author decided to share his ideas, and also pay attention to a new judicial practice, which, in the author’s opinion, will certainly be useful for those who will face the similar problem. The author notes that the right to appeal the determination of the restoration of period for appeal of a judicial act still exists and it follows from the obligation to ensure effective protection of violated rights, which is stipulated in section 13 of the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Keywords: restoration of period; motivation; appeal; termination of proceedings; arbitration procedure.


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 Information about the author:

Sultanov A.R. (Nizhnekamsk) – Head of the Legal Department of the PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim» (423574, Tatarstan Republic, Nizhnekamsk city, PJSC «Nizhnekam- skneftekhim»; e-mail: [email protected]).

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A.R. Sultanov