Herald of Civil Procedure

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The Notion of Harmonization of Civil Process

E.A. Popkova, 
Lawyer Assistant in the Lawyer Bureau «Khaustov, Yashchenko and Partners» 

The article analyzes harmonization of civil procedure. The author has set particularities of harmonization and unification of civil procedure, types and tools of harmonization. It is known that the process of rapprochement of legal systems has existed since the reception of Roman law by European states, however, the term «harmonization» appeared relatively recently and now is of scientific interest. An analysis of particularities of harmonization of civil procedure has enabled to formulate the definition of harmonization of civil procedure. Harmonisation is either a prior stage of the unification of a single process on rapprochement of procedural systems, which allows to make fundamental changes in civil procedure with purpose of their further modification towards complete identity in law, or a separate process of rapprochement of civil procedure. 

Keywords: civil procedure; harmonization of civil procedure; unification of civil procedure; types of harmonization; tools of harmonization.

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Information about the author 

Popkova E.A. (Moscow) – Lawyer Assistant in the Lawyer Bureau «Khaustov, Yashchenko and Partners» (129515, Moscow, Academician Korolev st., 11, 6; e-mail: [email protected]).

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E.A. Popkova