Herald of Civil Procedure

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Abuse of Procedural Rights in the New Civil Procedure Code of Brazil

Carlos Henrique Soares, 
Doctor and Master of Procedural Law at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Brazil), 
New University of Lisbon, Professor of Civil Procedural Law at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais

The article is devoted to the institution of abuse of procedural rights in civil proceedings in Brazil and ways to counteract this phenomenon. Lawyers (lawmakers) are generally considered the term «abuse of rights» as an illegal use or an excessive and special use of rights. In other words, the phrase «abuse of rights» let us understand that someone commits an illegal act. Thus, this phrase, in some form, informs about the necessity to legally use procedural law. In Brazilian law the phrase «abuse of rights» is already enshrined and entrenched, it informs about extrapolating of boundaries of action of the subjective right, or the abuse of the power, authority with respect to an individual by the current legislation, which recognizes the predominance of any legally protected interest. Abuse of rights is an illegal act; this illegal act must be carried out by an official of a subjective right; during this action the framework established by the economic or social objectives, well-intentioned or public morality are violated; and this is commitment of explicitly illegal acts. 

Keywords: abuse of rights; civil procedure in Brazil.


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Information about the author 

Carlos Henrique Soares (Brasil) – Doctor and Master of Procedural Law at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Brazil), New University of Lisbon, Professor of Civil Procedural Law at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Rua Leopoldina, 627 – Santo Antônio – Belo Horizonte – MG CEP: 30330-230; e-mail:contato@pdsc. com.br).

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Carlos Henrique Soares