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International Civil Procedure: Determination of Place in Science and Law

L.V. Fatkhullina,
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Environmental, 
Employment Law and Civil Procedure of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

The article is devoted to the definition of the place of international civil process (ICP) in the system of jurisprudence and legal system. Universally accepted definition of international civil process in the science does not exist, as well as the place of ICP in the legal system is not sufficiently defined. The ICP involves complex issues related to the protection of the rights of foreigners and foreign legal persons, the procedure and the characteristics before the courts of civil disputes complicated by foreign element. It is also a form of exercise of civil rights and at the same time can be carried out only as public relations that covers a range of international and national procedures. The rules of international civil procedure are the subject of a regulation on contrary to the rules of private international law: they do not regulate private relations, complicated with a foreign element, and the activities of the courts to resolve civil cases in which this element is present. 

Keywords: international civil procedure; private international law, definition of the international civil process.


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Information about the author 

    Fatkhullina L.V. (Kazan) – Postgraduate Student of the Department of Environmental, Employment Law and Civil Procedure of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (420008, Kazan city, Kremlevskaya st., 18, [email protected]).

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L.V. Fatkhullina