Herald of Civil Procedure

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Lawyer of the Bar Association Muranov,
Chernyakov and Partners, Master of Law

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Lecturer,
Department of Practical Jurisprudence, Kutafin Moscow State
Law University (MSAL)

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-2-131-158

The article discusses the various issues that arise when a counterclaim is brought. The
authors criticize the prevailing approach of the return of the counterclaim due to its late
presentation. Additionally, the authors believe that difference in the composition of parties
involved in the initial claim and counterclaim does not preclude the allowance of the
counterclaim, and note that the prevailing judicial approach on this issue is debatable. The
article discusses the co-relation between the jurisdiction of a counterclaim and contractual
and exclusive jurisdiction. The authors think that the contractual jurisdiction should not
impede the consideration of a counterclaim, unless the counterclaim is aimed at offsetting.
The authors share the view that the counterclaim should be considered together with the
initial one despite of the exclusive jurisdiction for the counterclaim. In addition, the authors
argue that the legal requirement to comply with the pre-trial procedure for the settlement
of the dispute in order to bring a counterclaim is excessive and think that the prevailing
approach of the courts is debatable. The authors also consider the issue of the possibility
of the second counterclaim.

Keywords: civil proceedings; counter-claim; judicial jurisdiction; out-of-court procedure
for the resolution of the dispute.


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Information about the author

I.S. Arkhipov (Moscow, Russia) – Lawyer of the Bar Association Muranov, Chernyakov
and Partners, Master of Law (23, Bldg. 6 Denisovsky Lane, Moscow, 105005, Russia;

P.N. Matskevich (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Lecturer,
Department of Practical Jurisprudence, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
(9 Sadovaia-Kudrinskaia St., Moscow, 125993, Russia; e-mail: petr.matskevich@gmail.

Recommended citation

Arkhipov I.S., Matskevich P.N. Aktual’nye problemy vstrechnogo iska: sudebnaia praktika
i doktrina [Advanced Topics of Counter-Claim: Court Practice and Theory]. Vestnik
grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2020, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 131–158.
(In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-2-131-158

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