Herald of Civil Procedure

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Doctor of Legal Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Civil and Administrative Legal Proceedings
of the Russian State University of Justice

There are identical elements in any procedural proof, and the criterion that allows us to
speak about the unity of the legal regulation of proof and evidence in civil procedure is the
unity of the cognitive processes. The basis of the differentiation of proof and evidence is the
industry affiliation of the cases. The idea of unity of the mechanism of proof is supported
by the fact that the structure of the mechanism of proof in civil and administrative cases
is identical. In article tendencies of development of law of evidence in the context of
priorities of modern procedural policy are investigated. Further development of institutes
of competitive process is considered by the author as a perspective way of optimization of
civil, arbitration and administrative legal proceedings. From the point of view of unification
of the norms regulating proof and evidence in three procedural regulations the procedural
means which are not realized fully capable to influence optimization of civil procedure
and to decrease in load of judicial system are considered, namely: disclosure of evidence,
procedural agreements, exclusion of evidence.

Keywords: law of evidence; evidence; admissibility of evidence; procedural policy;
competitiveness; disclosure of evidence; exchange of competitive documents; exclusion of
evidence; procedural agreement.


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Information about the author

Fokina M.A. (Moscow, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department
of Civil and Administrative Legal Proceedings of the Russian State University of
Justice (69 Novocheryomushkinskaya St., Moscow, 117418, Russia; e-mail: fok_mar@

Recommended citation

Fokina M.A. Dokazatel’stvennoe pravo v tsivilisticheskom protsesse: nerealizovannye
vozmozhnosti [Law of Evidence in Civil Procedure: Unrealized Opportunities]. Вест-
ник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2019, no. 1, p. 29–46. (In Russian)
DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2019-9-1-29-46

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