Herald of Civil Procedure

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Postgraduate, Department of Civil Procedure of the Faculty of Law
of the St. Petersburg University

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-6-208-225

This article analyzes the legal nature, legislative consolidation and application of the
representative actions in Russian Federation. There are analogues of the well-known
models of representative actions “opt-in” and “opt-out” in native procedural legislation.
However, the representative actions for the protection of an indefinite group of persons
(“opt-out”) and the representative actions for the protection of the rights and interests
of a personified group of persons (“opt-in”) differ significantly with the class action in
a classical form. Russian procedural codes do not provide procedure for considering claims
of public associations authorized by law in defense of other persons in the order of group
proceedings, in connection with which the claims of organizations are considered by the
courts in the manner of ordinary lawsuit proceedings. The absence of a mechanism (by filing
a lawsuit before the decision) judicial protection of professional representatives collective
rights and public (public) interest according to the generally accepted international practices
involving interested persons whose rights have been violated (opt-in or opt-out), creates
barriers to development the representative class actions in Russia. The author proposes
to allow non-profit organizations to class action in defense of a group of persons whose
rights have been violated regardless of their membership, and also to found a public ad
hoc organization specifically for presenting a particular class action.

Keywords: representative actions; class actions; resolving mass disputes; collective redress;
public interest; group litigation; non-government organizations and funds; non-profit


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Information about the author

Shandurskiy D.I. (St. Petersburg, Russia) – Postgraduate, Department of Civil Procedure
of the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg University (199106, St. Petersburg,
22nd Line of Vasilyevsky Island, 7; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Shandurskiy D.I. Pravovaya priroda instituta orgnizatsionnogo gruppovogo iska
v Rossii [Legal Nature of Representative Actions in Russia]. Вестник гражданского
процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 6, p. 208–225. (In Russian) DOI:

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