Herald of Civil Procedure

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Postgraduate Student of the Department of Civil Procedure
of the Lomonosov Moscow State University

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-6-193-207

The article is devoted to the description of the method of legal regulation of legal relations in
civil procedure from the point of view of primary methods of legal regulation: prescriptive
and dispositive. These methods of legal regulation are inseparably primary, basic in any
branch of law; they gives general directions, models of legal regulation, and they take
place on the basis of influence on the behavior of subjects. Civil procedure regulates
social relations by a combination of general legal ways of legal regulation (prescriptions,
prohibitions and permissions). The ways of uniting into the system in the field of law and
realizing in civil procedural legal relations form a specific method of legal regulation, which
manifests itself in the position of the subjects in the legal relationship, in specific legal facts
and sanctions in civil procedure. In this article, the author gives a general description of the
method of legal regulation of civil procedural relations, gives examples and in the course
of the analysis comes to the conclusion that certain methods are validated.

Keywords: civil procedure; legal regulation; method of legal regulation; method of legal
regulation of legal relations in civil procedure; prescriptive method; dispositive method.


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Information about the author

Beklov Ya.O. (Moscow, Russia) – Postgraduate Student of the Department of Civil
Procedure of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (119991, GSP-1, Moscow, Leninskie
Gory, 13, Room 404A-405A; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Beklov Ya.O. Obshchaya kharakteristika metoda pravovogo regulirovaniya grazhdanskikh
protsessual’nykh otnoshenij [General Characteristic of the Method of Legal Regulation
of Legal Relations in Civil Procedure]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald
of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 6, p. 193–207. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-

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