Herald of Civil Procedure

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Chairman of the Vladimir Regional Court,
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Activity
of the Vladimir State University Named After A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs

The author analyzes the forms of interaction and integration of legal and non-legal social
sanctions: by example of religious and moral sanctions which refer to different categories
and also by analyzing of norms of rules of the earliest sources, the author displays the
basic directions of cooperation. In particular, the legal and non-legal sanctions interact in
the following areas: existence few social sanctions for one offence (the integration of the
sanctions); existence of non-legal social sanctions for violation of legal norms which have
no legal sanction; the legal sanctions for violation of ethical norms; the legal sanctions
for violation of religious feelings, infringing on the freedom of conscience. By using
demonstartive examples and analyzing court practice, the author of the article makes
following conclusions. Competent technical legal construction of legal norms with the use
of potential regulatory non-legal sanctions will improve the effectiveness of legal regulation.
The achievement of this goal will contribute by the moral education of the generations.
Than more moral a society is, the greater number of people considers the violation of the
law and immoral to voluntarily comply with the law.

Keywords: social regulation; legal regulation; social sanctions; integrated sanctions;
integrated jurisdiction.


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Information about the author

Malyshkin A.V. (Vladimir, Russia) – Chairman of the Vladimir Regional Court,
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Activity
of the Vladimir State University Named After A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs (600000, Vladimir,
Studencheskaya St., 8; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Malyshkin A.V. Pravovye i nepravovye sotsial’nye sanktsii: voprosy vzaimodejstviya
i integratsii [Legal and Non-Legal Social Sanctions: Issues of Interaction and Integration].
Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 4,
p. 25–40. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-4-25-40

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