Herald of Civil Procedure

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On the Necessity of Compiling of Motivated Judicial Acts in the Appellate and Cassation Instance

Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Head of the Department of Civil Procedure and Labor Law
of the Southern Federal University

The Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2017
No. 30 proposes to make amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian
Federation, the Code of Arbitration Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Code of
Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation concerning of compiling of motivated
judicial acts in the appellate and cassation instance. The article analyzes problems
associated with such changes. Rejection of compiling of motivated judicial acts in the
appellate instance contradicts the essence of the appeal as a retrial; formalizes its work due
to the frequent use of the authority to leave the judicial act unchanged and the rejection to
hold court hearings of the appellate court for cases considered in the simplified procedure.
Unmotivated judicial acts of the cassation instance make the system of unmotivated judicial
acts complete, all-instant. Changes also contradict the goals of creating separate appellate
and cassation courts of general jurisdiction.

Keywords: appeal; cassation; unmotivated judicial acts; judicial system; judicial decision.


Borisova E.A. Protsessual’noe zakonodatel’stvo Rossii – chto den’ gryadushchij nam
gotovit [The Procedural Legislation of Russia – What the Future Is Preparing for Us].
Zakonodatel’stvo = Legislation, 2017, no. 11. (In Russian)
Smagina E.S. Sozdanie apelliatsionnykh i kassatsionnykh sudov obshchej yurisdiktsii: sootnoshenie
sudoproizvodstvennykh i sudoustrojstvennykh novell [Creation of Appellate Courts
of General Jurisdiction: The Ratio of Judicial Process and Judicial System]. Arbitrazhnyj
i grazhdanskij protsess = Arbitration and Civil Procedure, 2017, no. 10. (In Russian)
Tay Yu.V. Protsessualnaya reforma… Troe v lodke. Ne schitaem posledstvij [The Procedural
Reform... Three in the Boat. We Do Not Consider the Consequences] (https://
(In Russian)

Information about the author

Smagina E.S. (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Head of
the Department of Civil Procedure and Labor Law of the Southern Federal University
(344007, Rostov-on-Don, M. Gorky St., 88; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Smagina E.S. O neobkhodimosti sostavleniya motivirovannykh sudebnykh aktov v apellyatsionnoj
i kassatsionnoj instantsii [On the Necessity of Compiling of Motivated Judicial
Acts in the Appellate and Cassation Instance]. Вестник гражданского процесса =
Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 3, p. 71–77. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-3-71-77

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E.S. Smagina