Herald of Civil Procedure

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On Functional Relations of the Institution of Procedural Responsibility

Doctor of Legal Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
of the Togliatti State University

The article is devoted to coordination, genetic and subordination relations of the institution
of procedural responsibility. The author gives a general concept of the institution of
procedural responsibility, and also defines the term “functional connection” and gives
ratio of institutions of legal responsibility and procedural responsibility. The author
analyses genetic, coordination and subordination relations of the institution of procedural
responsibility that has a complex structure as it comprises a number of sub institutions.
The article substantiates the existence of those relations inside the institution of procedural
responsibility as well as with other institutions of legal responsibility. In order to do so,
the external and internal relations are differentiated. The genetic relations are determined
based on formation and separation of the branches of law as well as the differentiation
of material and procedural law in the process of historical development. The nearest and
remote genetic relations are determined. The existence of subordination relations both with
the institutions of constitutional responsibility and constitutional law as a whole has been
noted. The article studies spatial ordering that is characteristic of coordination relations.
It is expressed through the use of common notions, terms, definitions, the dependence
of realization of different procedural types of responsibility on its material types, and
therefore conditionality (a derivative nature) of procedural responsibility by material
responsibility. The article was written with the support of the Russian Humanitarian
Scientific Foundation, project No. 16-33-00017 “Complex, Intersectoral Institution of Legal
Responsibility: Notion, Structure, Interconnections and Place in the System of Law”.

Keywords: procedural responsibility; coordination relations; genetic relations; functional
relations; subordination relations; sub institutions of procedural responsibility.


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Information about the author

Lipinsky D.A. (Togliatti, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the
Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Togliatti State University
(445000, Togliatti, Belorusskaya St., 14; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Lipinsky D.A. O funktsional’nykh svyazyakh instituta protsessual’noj otvetstvennosti
[On Functional Relations of the Institution of Procedural Responsibility]. Вестник
гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 3, p. 55–70. (In Russian)
DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-3-55-70

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D.A. Lipinsky