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If Non-Execution of the Writ of Execution by the Debtor is the Specific Legal Wrongdoing?

Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Judiciary of the Law Faculty
of the National Research University Higher School
of Economics

In the article author analyzes the actus reus of the legal wrongdoing of the debtor in
enforcement proceedings and comes to the conclusion that we must not consider the
enforcement as only the system of procedural relations with the participation of the bailiff.
It must be remembered that many other blocks of law are integrated into the enforcement
sphere including constitutional, administrative law, civil, family law and civil procedure,
etc. Issuing an order of enforcement proceedings itself does not change the substantive
relations between the parties of enforcement proceedings which, as a rule, are in the stage
of fulfilling the obligation with the participation of public authorities long before this point.
It means that the non-enforcement of the court acts as well as of non-judiciary documents are
not the specific wrong-doings from the enforcement regime standpoint. By non-performing
of writ of execution the debtor in the first instance ignores the execution of his obligation
provided in the sphere of regulation, that is “serviced” by enforcement proceedings, and
the specific “sectoral” illegality in the enforcement sphere does not exist.

Keywords: enforcement proceedings; elements of wrongdoing; liability.


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Information about the author

Galperin M.L. (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor of the
Department of Judiciary of the Law Faculty of the National Research University Higher
School of Economics (109028, Moscow, Bolshoi Trekhsvyatitelsky pereulok, 3; e-mail:

Recommended citation

Galperin M.L. Neispolnenie dolzhnikom trebovaniya ispolnitel’nogo dokumenta – osoboe
pravonarushenie? [If Non-Execution of the Writ of Execution by the Debtor is the
Specific Legal Wrongdoing?]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure,
2018, no. 3, p. 40–54. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-3-40-54

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M.L. Galperin