Herald of Civil Procedure

We in a citing index:

1. All article planned to the published in the journal “Herald of civil procedure” go through a review procedure and approval by the editorial board. 


2. After the article is received to the editorial office its initial review examination on theme and formal criteria of the journal is being conducted. In case of disparity to the theme the article is not accepted for the further review, the author is reported about that. 


3. Then the article is sent for an opinion to a reviewer who is chosen among the editorial board (internal review). Article can also be sent to an independent expert (outer review) Each reviewer has a right to refuse from the review in case of obvious conflict of interest that reflects the perception and interpretation of article information. 


3.1. The reviewer is chosen by the Editor-in-chief. During the process of choosing the reviewer / reviewers for each article the Editor-in-chief is being guided by the following principles: non-admittance of the same affiliation of an author and the reviewer / reviewers; availability of reviewer's articles in the sphere of the presented article; minimization of risks of conflict of interests.


3.2 The reviewing is carried out by recognized experts on the subject of the relevant article who have published on the subject of the reviewed article within the last 3 years.


4. Review procedure is anonymous both for author and for the reviewer (double-blind review). 


5. Based on the review results the article may be rejected, sent for improvement, or accepted for publication. Review opinion is made in electronic and\or paper format. 


5.1 The review is sent by the editorial board to the author's e-mail address. The author is not informed about the reviewer.


6. Opinion should have: 


- evaluation of the article matter and possibility of its publication in the journal; 


- proper list of mistakes in methodology and used instruments (if there are any); 


- offers on text improvement. 


7. If an opinion contains recommendations for correction and improvement of the article the journal editorial board sends the opinion text to the author with a suggestion to consider them in creating the new version of an article or using reasoning to reject them (partially or completely). Correction of an article should not take more than 2 months from the moment of sending electronic-message to the authors about the need to correct the article. Corrected article is sent for review once again. 


8. In case of a refusal by authors from article correction, they should in written or oral form report to the editorial board about the refusal to publish an article. If authors do not return the corrected version for 3 months since the opinion being sent, editorial board annuls the article from publication reserve even if there is no refusal from correction from the authors. In such cases authors are reported that their article is removed from the register due to the correction period expiration. 


9. If an author and reviewers have insolvable contradictions about the article, the editorial board has a right to send the article for the additional review. In case of conflict the editor-in-chief makes a decision on the editorial board conference. 


10. Decision about the refusal of publication of an article is made at the conference of the editorial board based on the reviewers’ recommendations. Article which is not recommended by the decision of editorial board is not accepted for the second review. Information about the refusal of publication is sent to the author via e-mail. 


11. After the decision of journal editorial board about the approval of publication of the article, the editorial office informs an author about that. Article are published in order of priority. Editorial board can make a decision on the extraordinary publication of an article. 


12. Having a positive review opinion is not a sufficient reason for the publication of an article. The final decision about the publication is made by the editorial board. In case of conflict the editor-in-chief makes a final decision. 


13. Review opinions are kept in journal editorial office for 3 years. 


14. The Editorial Board agrees to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.


15. Preparation of an article for the publication, executed by the journal editorial board contains regular literary correction and adjustment of the text to the needed editorial standards adopted in the journal practice. All editorial corrections are coordinated with the authors.