Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Civil Procedural Law, Ural Branch
of Russian State University of Justice

The article is devoted to substantiating the idea that the composition of legal permits regulated
by procedural law is not limited to procedural subjective rights, as it may seem from a literal
reading of procedural laws. Part of what the legislation calls procedural rights is actually
procedural legal interests, since their implementation depends on judicial discretion, and
therefore it is impossible to be sure that an attempt to implement them will lead to the desired
result for the interested person. On the other hand, if the realization of such interests does take
place, the judicial act will give such an interest the force of a subjective right, which indicates
the ability of procedural interests to turn into procedural rights. The objects of procedural
legal interests are investigated. It is shown that procedural interests can be directed to the
process and to a certain result of the court’s consideration of the appeal on the merits. The
procedural interest aimed at ensuring that the appeal gets to the court is a necessary stage
in the realization of the interest in a certain result of the consideration of the appeal, in
connection with which the first of the interests was designated as preliminary, the second
as final. The range of possible holders of procedural interests is analyzed. The conclusion
is obtained, according to which the court is not among the potential owners of procedural
interests due to its position of authority in the process. The differentiation of procedural legal
interests according to the procedural role of their owners is carried out. In accordance with this
criterion, it is proposed to distinguish procedural interests that coincide, agree and contradict
the procedural role. The obtained theoretical conclusion made it possible to make a proposal
to expand the number of persons subject to recusal if their personal interests contradict the
procedural role performed. The mentioned proposal applies to persons acting in the process
of protecting the interests of others and the interests of an indefinite circle of persons.

Keywords: procedural legal interests; legitimate interests in procedural law; owners of
procedural legal interests; procedural benefit; ratio of procedural legal interests with the
procedural role.


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Information about the author

S.A. Burmistrova (Chelyabinsk, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer,
Head of the Department of Civil Procedural Law, Ural Branch of Russian State
University of Justice (63v Energetikov St., Chelyabinsk, 454135, Russia; e-mail: lelsi@

Recommended citation

Burmistrova S.A. O dukhe protsessual’nykh zakonov i protsessual’nykh pravovykh
interesakh [On the Spirit of Procedural Laws and Procedural Legal Interests]. Vestnik
grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 71–85. (In
Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2022-12-1-71-85

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