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A New Legal Instrument to Ensure Effective European Standards on Enforcement of Judicial Decisions: Adoption of a Good Practice Guide by the Council of Europe

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Law Faculty of the University of Toulon (France), 
Member of the CDPC-JCE (CNRS UMR 7318) 

Having devised an «ideal enforcement system» intended to inspire the Council of Europe Member States, the aim now is to work towards the acceptance within domestic law systems of the principles and solutions enshrined in the CEPEJ Enforcement Guidelines of 2009. For this purpose, the CEPEJ adopted, at its plenary session on December 11, 2015, a Good Practice Guide on Enforcement of Judicial Decisions. Although devoid of binding, this new legal instrument provides a framework in which Member States of the Council of Europe can refer when developing or modifying their national laws on enforcement. Following the actual body of the guide, appears an annex in which some national examples are mentioned. This annex has the purpose to explain some «good practice» in developing and refining the analysis of comparative law. This Guide does not aim to create new enforcement standards at the Council of Europe level. It just aims to highlight solutions applied in Member States. In this document, the term «good practice» should be understood as follows. The good practices described in this document can be divided into four main categories. 

Keywords: European standards; European law; legal instruments; enforcement; guide; Council of Europe.


Payan G. Pristavy i pravovoe gosudarstvo: ustanovlenie obshchih printsipov ispolneniya sudebnyh reshenij v Afrike i v Evrope [Bailiffs and Legal State: The General Principles of the Establishment of Enforcement of Judgments in Africa and in Europe]. Prak tika ispolnitel’nogo proizvodstva = Practice of Enforcement Proceedings, 2013, no. 1. (In Russian) 

Information about the author 

Guillaume Payan (Toulon, France) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Law Faculty of the University of Toulon (France), Member of the CDPC-JCE (CNRS UMR 7318) (Faculté de droit de Toulon, 35 avenue Alphonse Daudet – BP 1416, 83056 Toulon cedex, France; e-mail: [email protected]). 

Recommended citation 

Payan G. Novyj pravovoj instrument obespecheniya effektivnosti evropejskih standartov prinuditel’nogo ispolneniya: primenenie rekomendatsij po nadlezhashchej praktike Soveta Evropy [A New Legal Instrument to Ensure Effective European Standards on Enforcement of Judicial Decisions: Adoption of a Good Practice Guide by the Council of Europe]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2017, no. 3, p. 188–203. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2017-7-3-188-203

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Guillaume Payan