Herald of Civil Procedure

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Constitutional Bases of Implementation of Compliance Assessment in Civil Procedure and the Subject of Judicial Activity

A.V. Ilyin,
Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of State and Administrative Law of the Law Faculty
of the St. Petersburg State University

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2017-7-2-31-46

The article is devoted to the solution of a question of whether introduction to the Russian law and order of such way of protection as contest of regulations is obligatory from the point of view of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or not. It is proved that constitutionally only concrete compliance assessment is necessary. At the same time the compliance assessment which is carried out due to the need of protection of the violated or challenged rights someone has to be understood as concrete compliance assessment. Sorting structural features of various models of compliance assessment, the author proves interrelation and interdependence of the constitutional provisions, a subject of judicial activity and concrete procedural rules of contest of regulations. Having investigated possible models of compliance assessment, the author proves a conclusion that only development of rules of production about contest of regulations on model of settlement of dispute about the right fully corresponds to the constitutional guarantees of the right for judicial protection.

Keywords: judicial compliance assessment; civil legal proceedings; administrative legal proceedings; subject of judicial activity.


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Information about the author 

Ilyin A.V. (St. Petersburg, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Administrative Law of the Law Faculty of the St. Petersburg State University (199106, Saint Petersburg, 22nd Line of Vasilievsky Island, bldg. 7, room 45; e-mail: [email protected]). 

Recommended citation 

Ilyin A.V. Konstitutsionnye osnovaniya osushchestvleniya normokontrolya v grazhdanskom protsesse i predmet sudebnoj deyatel’nosti [Constitutional Bases of Implementation of Compliance Assessment in Civil Procedure and the Subject of Judicial Activity]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2017, no. 2, p. 31–46. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2017-7-2-31-46

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A.V. Ilyin