Herald of Civil Procedure

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Principle of Protection of the Weaker Party in Legal Relations in Civil Law and Civil Procedure

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Pro-Rector of the Saratov State Law Academy, 
Professor of the Department of Civil and Private International Law, 
Judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of the Retired 

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Teacher of the Department of Civil and Private International Law 
of the Saratov State Law Academy 

Doctor of Sociology, Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Saratov State Law Academy 

The article is devoted to the principle of protection of the weaker party in legal relations. The authors come to a conclusion that the civil law science does not fully take into account inter-branch connection rules on the weaker party protection, as well as experience of related branch of legal sciences, – this principle is inter-branch because it’s reflected in civil law and in civil procedure. The goal of protection of the weaker party is formed on the inter-branch level, it is implemented by various branches of law. Lack of inter-branch researches on the subject creates obstacles to a detailed study of this issue. This problem can be viewed from different positions. At the first, some subjects are weaker than others. At the second, the principle of protection of the weaker party may be viewed through the concept of exercitation of rights and performance of obligations. The issue of protection of the weaker party is also investigated in foreign legal doctrine: usually it is considered from the point of the necessity of granting of additional rights to the weaker subject participating in the trial, connected with his introduction in process and involvement of a representative. Resolution of these problems can be made by inter-branch resources of the Russian legislation that confirms application of the inter-branch means of research of the declared problem. 

Keywords: weaker party; civil law principles; civil procedure principles; inter-branch connections. 


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Information about the authors 

Vavilin E.V. (Saratov, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Pro-Rector of the Saratov State Law Academy, Professor of the Department of Civil and Private International Law, Judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of the Retired (410056, Saratov, Volskay street, 1; e-mail: [email protected]);

Volos A.A. (Saratov, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Teacher of the Department of Civil and Private International Law of the Saratov State Law Academy (410056, Saratov, Volskay street, 1; e-mail: [email protected]); 

Surovov S.B. (Saratov, Russia) – Doctor of Sociology, Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Saratov State Law Academy (410056, Saratov, Volskay street, 1; e-mail: [email protected]).

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E.V. Vavilin, A.A. Volos, S.B. Surovov