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Discretion in the Scope of Private Law: Content and Limits

R.А. Khasanshin, 
Postgraduate of the University of Management «TISBI» 

The article is devoted to the determination of the content of the term «discretion» used in private law and domestic civil law. This article discusses approaches developed by the Russian legal science on the «discretion» category. The author comes to the conclusion that the discretion is a necessary condition for the existence of law in general, because there is the right objective to secure subjects for subjective rights, however, cannot be done without discretion subjective rights. And, indeed, the judgment as a legal phenomenon depends on the changing social environment, the nature of the relationship in which the discretion is made. After analysis of works of Russian scientists the author concludes that in Russian law the discretion is examined as a way or an element in of the process of implementation of law. The author analyzes the scope of this category. The author examines differences of limits of the discretion in the area of rule-making in the public and private law. The paper presents the following conclusions: discretion cannot be regarded as a separate element of the mechanism of legal regulation, but discretion is present as a prerequisite for the implementation of several elements; legal relationship as an element of the mechanism of legal regulation, in some cases, directly depends on the discretion of legal subjects.


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Information about the author 

Khasanshin R.А. (Kazan) – Postgraduate of the University of Management «TISBI» (420061, Kazan, Turgay st. (Tsaritsyno), 6; e-mail: [email protected]). 

Recommended citation 

Khasanshin R.A. Usmotrenie v sfere deistviya chastnogo prava: soderzhanie i predely [Discretion in the Scope of Private Law: Content and Limits]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2017, no. 1, p. 219–230. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2017-7-1-219-230

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R.А. Khasanshin