Herald of Civil Procedure

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Dissenting Opinion of Judge


Yu.V. TAI, 
Managing Partner of Lawyer Bureau “Bartolius”, Candidate of Legal Sciences, 
Associate Professor of the Department of Private International and Civil Law 
of Moscow State Institute of International Relations 

The article is devoted to the special opinion of judges in civil, arbitration and constitutional procedure. Acquaintance with the dissenting opinion takes place through the realization of the right to familiarization with the case materials, it is also possible to copy results of a special opinion. History of regulation of dissenting opinions in the national civil procedure legislation was on the way from their inaccessibility to society to a gradual openness. And, as now, the availability of dissenting opinions were determined by the judicial practice, not a legislator. Of the procedural laws, it follows that a dissenting opinion is a document that has a procedural regulation, that is, a particular judicial opinion should not be considered just a doctrinal proposition, which can be expressed in verbal speech, article or monograph. Procedural laws apply to a judicial act such requirements as the legality, validity, requirements for the contents of a judicial act. Nothing like for a dissenting opinion is not established. 

Keywords: dissenting opinion of judge; civil procedure; arbitration procedure; constitutional procedure.


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Information about the author: 

 Tay Yu.V. (Moscow) – Managing Partner of Law Bureau “Bartolius”, Candidate of Legal sciences, Associate Professor of Private International and Civil Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (119454, Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 76; e-mail: [email protected]).

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Yu.V. Tai