Herald of Civil Procedure

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Features of Redress (Compensation) of the Damage Caused by Illegal Actions of Bodies of Inquiry, Preliminary Investigation, Prosecution and Trial (continuation)

I.I. Korolev, 
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Environmental Law, 
Labor Law and Civil Procedure of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University 

The article is devoted to features of redress (compensation) of the damage caused by illegal actions of bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, prosecution and trial. Feature of civil law position of the treasury of the state as a subject of civil law in modern civil law of the Russian Federation is what it is involved in civil legal relations through the system of state organs, enterprises and institutions, endowed, as a rule, by rights of a legal entity. Treasury (of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation) involves in civil matters not only about the property included in the unallocated fund but, in certain cases, about the property assigned to state unitary enterprises and institutions on the right of economic management or operational management. At resolving the question of vicarious liability of the treasury on obligations of agencies and state-owned enterprises it is necessary to establish that in these relations they participate on their own behalf as independent subjects of civil law, and not on behalf of the treasury. Performance in civil circulation on behalf of the treasury of public institutions, state enterprises and other entities should entail direct responsibility of the treasury for obligations, party of which it is.

Keywords: redress of damage; civil procedure; treasury of the Russian Federation.


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Information about the author: 

Korolev I.I. (Kazan) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Environmental Law, Labor Law and Civil Procedure of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (420008, Kazan, Kremlin st., 18, 235 room; e-mail: korolevlaw@ gmail.com).

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I.I. Korolev