Herald of Civil Procedure

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Reform or Counter-reform of Civil Proceedings in Russia at the End of the 19th Century?

O.I. Zolotova, 
Assistant of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law 
of the Law Faculty of the FGBOU VPO «Kursk State University» 

The article is devoted to research of reforming of civil proceedings in Russia at the end of the 19th century through the introduction of new orders of consideration of cases. The author analyzes changes in the light of correlation of phenomena of «reforms» and «counterreforms». In pre-revolutionary Russian science there were two points of view on the understanding of competitiveness and roles of the court and the parties in the process. Representatives of the first course considered that the parties should act as main actors of civil proceedings, movement of the process depends on their will, i.e. civil procedure appears as the struggle of independent, autonomous citizens who choose their own way of solving their conflict. According to the second approach the court must control the process, to be a participant of proceedings. Purpose of civil proceedings, thus, is not only permission of a concrete civil case, but also ensuring of general welfare. This approach can be characterized, in turn, as social.

Keywords: civil proceedings; types of civil proceedings; adversarial procedure; investigative procedure; reform; counter-reform.


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Information about the author: 

Zolotova O.I. (Kursk) – Assistant of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Law Faculty of the FGBOU VPO «Kursk State University» (305000, Kursk, Radishchev st., 29; e-mail: [email protected]).

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O.I. Zolotova