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Normative Regulation of Formation of the Composition of the Arbitration Tribunal in 1649–1917

A.I. Zaitsev, 
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Arbitration Court 
at the Chamber of Commerce of the Saratov Region 

The article investigates ways of formation of the composition of the arbitration tribunal in 1649–1917, analyzes regulatory requirements for arbitrators. In fact, at the normative level several «sets» of requirements to the candidacy of the arbitrator were provided, as well as directly to the procedure of formation of the composition of the arbitration tribunal. From the content of the Council Code of 1649 it follows that the Code envisaged the even composition of the arbitration tribunal consisting of two arbitrators. The decree of the Senate from 26 August 1727 reproduced instructions of the Council Code on the arbitration tribunal with addition of it by the mechanism for appointment of arbitrators by state courts. In 1774 the law provided that farmers for settlement of their internecine disputes selected on each side by one arbitrator – the farmer, who had the authority to resolve the dispute in the presence of the head or mayor. Extremely prominent position regarding the establishment of the arbitration tribunal was formulated by the legislator in 1802: according to it disputing parties were supposed to elect only arbitrators in an equal number, and the last – the chairman of the arbitration tribunal. This is, in part, reduced possibilities of the unfair side of dispute on delaying of procedure of formation of the composition of the arbitration tribunal. Conclusion about the absence of the unified regulatory solution to these issues is drawn.

Keywords: arbitrator; chairman of the composition; appointment; selection; removal; requirements.


Vysochaishe utverzhdennoe 6.06.1894 g. Polozhenie «O nadzore za deyatel’nost’u strahovyh uhrezhdenii i Obshchestv» [Most Highly Approved 06.06.1894 Regulation «On Overseeing the Activities of Insurance Institutions and Societies»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection third, vol. XIV, 1894, no. 10765. St. Petersburg, 1898. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennoe 29.06.1865 g. Polozhenie «O sel’skih obshchestvah, ih obshchestvennom upravlenii i povinnostyah gosudarstvennyh i obshchestvennyh v Tiflisskoi gubernii» [Most Highly Approved 29.06.1865 Regulation «On Rural Societies, Its Public Management and State and Public Duties in the Province of Tiflis»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection second, vol. XL, department first, 1865, no. 42268. St. Petersburg, 1867. (In Russian) Vysochaishe utverzhdennoe 23.04.1901 g. Vremennoe Polozhenie «Ob ustroistve obshchestvennogo upravleniya i sude kochevyh inorodtsev Zabaikal’skoi oblasti» [Most Highly Approved 23.04.1901 Temporary Regulation «On the Structure of Public Administration and the Court of Nomadic Aliens of the Transbaikal Region»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection third, vol. XXI, department first, 1901, no. 19984. St. Petersburg, 1903. (In Russian) 
Zaitsev A.I. Kto est’ kto ili smyslovoe soderzhanie ponyatii: posrednik, mediator, treteiskii sud’ya v rossiiskom zakonodatel’stve 17–19 vekov [Who is Who or the Semantic Content of Concepts: Intermediary, Mediator, Arbitrator in Russian Legislation of the 17th–19th Centuries]. Treteiskii sud = Arbitration Tribunal, 2015, no. 4, pp. 125–132. (In Russian)
Ulozhenie ot 16.06.1649 g. [Code of 16.16.1649]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, vol. I, 1649–1675, no. 1. St. Petersburg, 1830. (In Russian) 
Senatskii Ukaz ot 26.08.1727 g. v sledstvie Imennogo, sostoyavshegosya v Verhovnom Tainom Sovete 4.07.1727 g. «Ob otpuske soderzhashchihsya v Moskve i u goroda Arhangel’skogo chuzhestrannyh kuptsov dlya ih vypravok v Sankpeterburge v Doimochnuyu Kantselyariyu, o vzyskanii s prosrochki po vekselyam po shesti protsentov na god, i o tamozhennom sude po slovesnym prosheniyam, a ne po chelobitnym» s prilozheniem Ustava «Syd tamozhennyi po slovesnym prosheniyam, a ne po chelobitnym» [Senate Decree of 26.08.1727 Followed from Signature, Taken Place in the Supreme Privy Council of 04.07.1727 «On Leave of Foreign Merchants Contained in Moscow and the City of Arkhangelsk for Their Arrival in St. Petersburg in the Doimochniy Office, on Recover of Six Percent per Year from Overdue Bills, and the Customs Court on Verbal Lawsuits, not Applications» with Application of the Statute «Customs Court on Verbal Lawsuits, not Applications»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, vol. VII, 1723–1727, no. 5145. St. Petersburg, 1830. (In Russian) 
Reglament ili Ustav ot 29.11.1753 g. «O sbore poshlin pri Orenburge i v Troitskoi kreposti» [Regulation or Statute of 11.29.1753 «On Collecting of Charges in Orenburg and Troitsk Fortress»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, vol. XIII, 1749–1753, no. 10156. St. Petersburg, 1830. (In Russian) 
Senatskii Ukaz ot 5.03.1774 g. v sledstvie Imennogo «Ob ustroistve Glavnoi Dvortsovoi Kantselyarii s prinadlezhashchimi k nei mestami» [Senate Decree of 5.03.1774 Followed from Signature «On the Structure of the Main Palace Office with Places Belonging to It»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, vol. XIX, 1770–1774, no. 14133. St. Petersburg, 1830. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennyi 23.03.1839 g. «Sel’skii Sudebnyi Ustav dlya gosudarstvennyh krest’yan» [Most Highly Approved 23.03.1839 «Rural Judicial Statute for State Peasants»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection second, vol. XIV, department first, 1839, no. 12166. St. Petersburg, 1840. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennyi 17.01.1834 g. Ustav «Ob upravlenii Malorossiiskimi kazakami» [Most Highly Approved 17.01.1834 Statute «On Management of Little Russian Cossacks»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection second, vol. IX, department first, 1834, no. 6727. St. Petersburg, 1835. (In Russian) 
«Uchrezhdeniya dlya upravleniya Gubernii Vserossiiskoi Imperii» оt 7.11.1775 g. [«Institutions for Managment of Provinces of the Russian Empire» of 07.11.1775]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, vol. XX, 1775–1780, no. 14392. St. Petersburg, 1830. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennoe 15.08.1845 g. «Ulozhenie o nakazaniyah ugolovnyh i ispravitel’nyh» [Most Highly Approved 15.08.1845 «Code on Criminal and Redemptory Punishments»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection second, vol. XX, department first, 1845, no. 19283. St. Petersburg, 1846. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennoe 22.03.1903 g. «Ugolovnoe Ulozhenie» [Most Highly Approved 22.03.1903 «Criminal Code»]. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii = Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, collection third, vol. XXIII, department first, 1903, no. 22704. St. Petersburg, 1905. (In Russian) 
Annenkov K. Opyt kommentariya k Ustavu grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva. Tom VI. 1. Mirovoi ustav. 2. Mirovye sdelki. 3. Treteiskii sud [Experience of Commentary to the Statute of Civil Procedure. Volume VI. 1. World’s Charter. 2. World Trade. 3. Arbitration Tribunal]. St. Petersburg, 1887. P. 264. (In Russian) 
Shening V.A. O sile reshenii treteiskogo suda [On the Strength of Decisions of the Arbitration Tribunal]. Zhurnal Ministerstva Yustitsii = Journal of the Ministry of Justice, 1896, no. 6. St. Petersburg, 1896. P. 78. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennaya komissiya dlya peresmotra zakonopolozhenii po sudebnoi chasti. Ob’yasnitel’naya zapiska k proektu novoi redaktsii Ustava Grazhdanskogo Sudoproizvodstva [Most Highly Approved Commission for Revision of Legal Provisions According to Judicial Part. Explanatory Note to the Draft of New Version of the Statute of Civil Procedure]. St. Petersburg, vol. III, 1900, pp. 137–139. (In Russian) 
Vysochaishe utverzhdennaya komissiya dlya peresmotra zakonopolozhenii po sudebnoi chasti. Proekt novoi redaktsii Ustava Grazhdanskogo Sudoproizvodstva [Most Highly Approved Commission for Revision of Legal Provisions According to Judicial Part. Draft of New Version of the Statute of Civil Procedure]. St. Petersburg, 1900, p. 214. (In Russian) 
Vas’kovskii E.V. Uchebnik grazhdanskogo protsessa [Textbook of Civil Procedure]. Moscow, 1917, p. 363. (In Russian) 
Grazhdanskie zakony gubernii Tsarstva Pol’skogo, raz’yasnennye po resheniyam byvshego Varshavskogo IX Departamenta (1842–1875) i Grazhdanskogo Kassatsionnogo Departamenta (1876–1895) Pravitel’stvuyushchego Senata, so vsemi pozdneishimi izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami [Civil Laws of Provinces of the Kingdom of Poland, Clarifying According to Decisions of the Former Warsaw IX Department (1842–1875) and the Civil Cassation Department (1876–1895) of the Governing Senate, with All Later Amendments and Additions]. In 2 vol., vol. I, the second corrected and expanded edition by B.I. Stavskiy. Varshava, 1896, p. 91. (In Russian) 

Information about the author: 

Zaitsev A.I. (Saratov) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of the Saratov Region (410071, Saratov, Shelkovichnaya st., build 186; e-mail: [email protected]).

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A.I. Zaitsev