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Legal Interest in Civil Proceedings: Development of Views and the Modern Value

O.N. Shemeneva, 
Candidate of Legal Sciencies, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law 
and Procedure of the Voronezh State University 

On the basis of numerous investigations of legal interest which were carried out by russian scientists in different periods of time the author makes an attempt to formulate the modern definition of the given legal category. Research of the legal interest in the domestic procedural science began with a deep understanding of the interest of only one of the parties of civil proceedings (the plaintiff) in study and characterization of conditions of realization of his right to apply for judicial protection. And then, in works of scientists of the Soviet period, the content of this category began to change due to the fact (among other reasons) that they have attempted to formulate it more generally – in view of the interest of other persons involved in the case (third parties, participants of special kinds of civil proceedings, prosecutor, public authorities and others) in research of the legal situation of the parties and other participants of civil proceedings. The presence of the legal interest today is the main criterion on the basis of which persons are granted by the status of persons participating in the case.

Keywords: legal interest; civil proceedings; court; plaintiff; defendant.


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Information about the author: 

Shemeneva O.N. (Voronezh) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Voronezh State University (394006, Voronezh, pl. Lenin, 10a, Building 9, k. 710; e-mail: [email protected]).

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O.N. Shemeneva