We in a citing index:
Stages of the Reforming of Compensatory Procedure in Russian Procedural Law: Results and Perspectives
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Information about the authors:
Zarubina M.N. (Saratov) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Saratov State University named by Chernyshevsky (410000, Saratov, Volsky st., 10a, room 524b; e-mail: [email protected]);
Potapenko E.G. (Saratov) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Saratov State University named by Chernyshevsky (410000, Saratov, Volsky st., 10a, room 524b; e-mail: egpotapenko@ rambler.ru).
M.N. Zarubina, E.G. Potapenko