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The Heritage of the Judicial Reform of 1864

D.YA. Maleshin, 
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department 
of Civil Procedure of the Lomonosov Moscow State University 

The year 2014 is an anniversary year for the domestic justice system, a year of the 150th anniversary of the Great Judicial reform. Acceptance in 1864 of Judicial statutes is a milestone in the development not only of civil procedural law, but also of all legal system of our country. The Reform laid the foundation of modern civil and criminal procedure not only in Russia, but also in the majority of countries of the CIS, the Baltic region, many states of Eastern Europe. The Statute of civil legal proceedings is considered one of the best European codes of that time. It set new bases of civil procedure, the oral nature of justice was strengthened, the competitiveness, other principles were entered. Progress of a case, creation of procedure, and also interaction of the court and other participants became others. Many of both pre-revolutionary works, and works of the last time are devoted to the heritage of the Judicial reform. The analysis of action of Statutes in different states will allow to estimate efficiency of application of identical civil procedural rule in different sociocultural and political and economic conditions. 

Keywords: civil procedure; judicial reform; Statute of civil legal proceedings of 1864; civil justice; culture and law.


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Information about the author 

Maleshin D.Ya. (Moscow) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (119991, Moscow, 1 Leninskie Gory, bldg. 13–14; e-mail: [email protected]).

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D.Ya. Maleshin