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The Latest Trends in the Foreign Doctrine of International Commercial Arbitration: An Overview

S.A. Kurochkin, 
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the 
Department of Civil Procedure of the Ural State Law University 

The article gives an overview of the main trends of the development of the modern foreign doctrine of international commercial arbitration, the most interesting concepts and views. The activities of major international organizations and associations of the most authoritative experts contribute to the development of doctrine. The International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), the relevant committee of the International Law Association (ILA), the International Bar Association and others actively engaged in this field. Projects implemented under the auspices of the major arbitration institutions give a powerful impetus to the development. Today, a number of trends, uniting supporters of similar views on issues of international commercial arbitration, can be seen in the foreign doctrine. Customary to speak of the existence of four main theories are well known by Russian specialists – contractual, jurisdictional, hybrid (mixed) and autonomous (sui juris). The development of the doctrine of international commercial arbitration today is the result of coordination of impulses coming from the business community and the States by professionals. The growth of international trade generates a request for an effective system of dispute resolution, which arbitration can rightly become. 

Keywords: international commercial arbitration; arbitration agreement; arbitration award; arbitrability; concept.


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Information about the author 

Kurochkin S.A. (Ekaterinburg) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Ural State Law University (620137, Ekaterinburg, Komsomolskaya st., 21, room 404; e-mail: [email protected]).

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S.A. Kurochkin