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A New Look at Philosophy and Jurisprudence in Its Refraction to Justice

D.A. Fursov, 
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Civil, 
Arbitration and Administrative Procedural Law of the Russian Academy of Justice 

The article analyzes philosophical views at jurisprudence in general and at justice in particular. Attention is often drawn to a fair judgment that justice needs more philosophy than officials. Protection of the violated right requires deep reflection about how to achieve justice, it is necessary to «suffer» court decision, and not just apply to the parties one or another pattern. This may sound paradoxical, but judges must be unmistakably and by their inner conviction to know the answer to the philosophical question of the meaning of life. If a person does not understand the meaning of his own life, he is not able to treat it as a great value. Qualification of many legal disputes is often accompanied by legally significant motivation of activities. In other cases, law does not give a legal significance to motives, but court decision passed in this case, obviously hurts impact by its consequences on human lives. In both cases only such a solution will be just, which is fair. 

Keywords: philosophy; justice; civil proceedings.


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Information about the author 

Fursov D.A. (Moscow) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Civil, Arbitration and Administrative Procedural Law of the Russian Academy of Justice (117418, Moscow, Novocheriomushkinskaya st., 69, Bldg. «A»; e-mail: raj-priem@ mail.ru).

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D.A. Fursov