Herald of Civil Procedure

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About the Notion of European Civil Procedure

V.V. Terehov, 
Candidat of Legal Sciencies, Doctoral Student of the Vilnius University (Lithuania), 
Lecturer of the Department of Civil and Arbitration Procedure 
of the Omsk State University of F.M. Dostoevsky 

This article addresses to the field of law and science that in our country has not yet found its unambiguous understanding, namely, European civil procedure. It seems to us that a growing number of scholar works in that area together with intensifying interrelations of Russia with its European counterparts makes it necessary to develop an understanding of law and legal doctrine of the latter states. At the same time, speaking about «European civil procedure» we notice the lack of consent among authors even as to the basic understanding of it and its subject. These are questions we are going to refer to in the present work; therefore we will address both legal acts of European nations and their doctrinal sources. We will note that conceptual confusion is present not only in Russia, but in European states as well. We will also mention Russian authors working on the problem and thus will show that their diversity of views on the phenomenon may be reduced to two basic approaches: regarding it as a separate branch of «supranational» law, independent from national ones, or as a part of comparative jurisprudence that is interested in norms and institutes developed by European states. 

Keywords: european civil procedure; comparative jurisprudence; supranational law; private international law; European Court of Justice; harmonization and unification of law.


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Information about the author 

Terekhov V.V. (Omsk) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral Student of the Vilnius University (Lithuania), Lecturer of the Department of Civil and Arbitration Procedure of the Omsk State University of F.M. Dostoevsky (644065, Russian Federation, Omsk, 50 Let Profsoyuzov st., 100/1; e-mail: [email protected]).

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V.V. Terekhov