Herald of Civil Procedure

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About the Formation of Antitrust Specialization of Judges

I.V. Bashlakov-Nikolaev, 
Candidate of Economics Sciencies, Master of Laws, 
Head of the Juridical Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service 
of the Russian Federation 

 The article deals with issues specialization of courts in the Russian Federation. On the example of consideration by courts of disputes involving antitrust authorities the author examines the advisability, possibilities and the need for specialized courts and specialized judges. Specifics of antitrust disputes related to the need of analysis of the commodity market and collecting economic evidence and is regarded as one of the defining figures of introducing the specialization of judges in the field of protection of competition. In the case of consideration by the antimonopoly authority of the case of violation of the antimonopoly legislation advantages lie in the fact that antimonopoly authority has been collecting evidence, including analyzes the state of competition in the commodity market and determines the dominant economic entity on the market; during inspections and examination of the case on violation of antimonopoly legislation, the antimonopoly authority is not bound by arguments of the complaint. The advantage of the court examination is its finality, but disadvantage is that the court is an adversarial process and does not collect evidence; in legal process it is difficult to establish the dominant position of economic entities, because the function of establishing the dominant position of economic entity is assigned to antitrust authorities. 

Keywords: competition; economic analysis; specialization of courts and judges; protection of competition; antitrust law; litigation.


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 Information about the author 

Bashlakov-Nikolaev I.V. (Moscow) – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Master of Laws, Head of the Juridical Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (123242, Moscow, D-242, GSP-3, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., d. 11; e-mail: [email protected]).

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I.V. Bashlakov-Nikolaev