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Corporate Disputes: Novels of the Concept of the Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation

D.Yu. Ionova, 
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Civil and Administrative 
Proceedings of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University 

In the article problematic issues of the Chapter 49 of the Concept of the Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, devoted to the consideration of corporate disputes, are examined. These legal relations have in its content so-called corporate law, realizing that (for example, by a decision of the general meeting of the commission of certain transactions, the payment of dividends, etc.), members of the corporation, expressing their own will, will form the supreme body corporate entity. In turn, the will shaped by members of the corporation is necessarily as for executive body of the corporate legal entity and for participants of the corporation. Proposed by the authors of the Concept the possibility of unification in the new Unified Civil Procedure Code of regulating the consideration of corporate disputes involving both commercial corporate organizations by arbitration courts and non-profit corporate organizations by courts of general jurisdiction is analyzed. 

Keywords: corporate legal relations; corporate disputes; jurisdiction; right to judicial protection.


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   Mihaleva N.V. Podvedomstvennost’ del po korporativnym sporam [Jurisdiction in Cases of Corporate Disputes]. Rossijskoe pravosudie = Russian Justice, 2014, no. 2. (In Russian)

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  Strel’tsova E.G. O nekotoryh slozhnostjah prakticheskogo primenenija gl. 28.2 APK RF [Some Difficulties of Practical Application of the Sec. 28.2 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation]. Pravo i politika = Law and Politics, 2010, no. 4. (In Russian)

  Tumanov D.A. Problemy osparivanija reshenij sobranij po stat’e 181.4 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federatsii [Problems of the Contestation of Decisions of the Meeting under the Article 181.4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation]. Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika = Laws of Russia: Experience, Analysis, and Practice, 2014, no. 7. (In Russian)

  Uksusova E.E. Novyj porjadok rassmotrenija del po korporativnym sporam v arbitrazhnyh sudah [The New Order of Consideration of Cases of Corporate Disputes in Arbitration Courts]. Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika = Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, and practice, 2010, no. 6. (In Russian)

   Shitkina I.S. (ed.). Uchebnyj kurs: Korporativnoe pravo [Course: Corporate Law]. Moscow, 2011. (In Russian)

  Frolovskij N.G. Ponjatie korporativnogo spora [The Concept of Corporate Dispute]. Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika = Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, and practice, 2010, no. 6. (In Russian)

  Shitkina I.S. Voprosy korporativnogo prava v proekte Federal’nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Grazhdanskij kodeks RF» [Corporate Law Issues in the Draft Federal Law «On Amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation»]. Hozjajstvo i pravo = Economy and Law, 2012, no. 6. (In Russian)

Information about the author

Ionova D.Yu. (Moscow) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Lecturer of the Depart- ment of Civil and Administrative Proceedings of the Kutafin Moscow State Law Uni- versity (125993, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 9, room 459; e-mail: gprocess@ yandex.ru). 

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D.Yu. Ionova