Herald of Civil Procedure

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Inadmissibility of Several Counterclaims – Idol of the Theater?

In the article author considers the possibility of bringing a several counterclaims in the arbitration proceedings. The author points out that within the lawsuit was filed by the plaintiff were actually connected eight claims. Of course, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation admit the connexion a few claims within a single lawsuit (Art. 130(1) of APC RF). Producing protection against these claims, it was decided that it is necessary not just to raise an objection, but bring a countersue. This decision was taken after during the trial became visible risk that the court did not appreciate all our arguments. The author concludes that the approach of jurisprudence, which is directed against the possibility to allow a several defendant’s counterclaims to proceed, based on the following motivation: «Institution of counterclaim aims to ensure a fair balance of procedural rights of the claimant and the defendant. If the defendant after the adoption of the counterclaim by the court files a second counterclaim, it shall be dismiss by the rules of the Art. 132(4) of APC RF; to defendant can be explained his right to change the grounds or subject of the claim under Art. 49 of APC RF, as well as the right to bring suit in another trial». 

Keywords: counterclaim; arbitration proceedings.


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Information about the author 

  Sultanov A.R. (Nizhnekamsk) – Head of Legal Department of PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim» (423574, Tatarstan Republic, Nizhnekamsk, PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim»; e-mail: [email protected]).

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A.R. Sultanov