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Class-Action Lawsuit in Russia: «Second Chance» under the Concept
D.S. Chernyy,
Attorney-at-Law, Partner at Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law Firm
A.N. Khizunova,
Associate at Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law Firm
P.K. Rusetsky,
Junior Associate at Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law Firm
In this article authors make an attempt to analyze the provisions of the Concept of Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation regarding the improvement of proceedings in group (class) actions in Russia. According to court practice in Russia, the provisions of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation about the class actions do not work in practice, as the courts interpret them in such a way that the effective application of these provisions to protect the rights and legitimate interests of a group of persons is not possible. At this point in accordance with US law suit can be qualified as a group (class) action in the case where such a lawsuit is filed to protect the interests of a large group of potential claimants and (or) offered to one (several) persons constituting the largest group of respondents. In France, the new Consumer Rights Protection Law provides about class actions that consumers should be in similar or identical situations and as a general base their claims to be a violation of one or more persons with treaty obligations. Consequently, in the judicial proceedings under class actions it is really are talking about «community», homogeneity, typicality. It seems that offered under the terms of the Concept of qualification of the claim as a group in the presence of similar objects and bases of the claims of group members will eliminate some formal interpretation of the «single legal relationship» as complicity.
Keywords: group action; class action; Concept of the Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
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Information about the authors
Chernyy D.S. (Moscow) – Attorney-at-Law, Partner at Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law Firm (105005, Moscow, Denisovsky ln., 23, bldg. 6; e-mail: D.Chernyy@ rospravo.ru).
Khizunova A.N. (Moscow) – Associate at Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law Firm (105005, Moscow, Denisovsky ln., 23, bldg. 6; e-mail: [email protected]).
Rusetsky P.K. (Moscow) – Junior Associate at Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law Firm (105005, Moscow, Denisovsky ln., 23, bldg. 6; e-mail: [email protected]).
D.S. Chernyy, A.N. Khizunova, P.K. Rusetsky