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Some Issues of Systematization of Rules of Civil Procedure Legislation in the Context of Its Unification

A.Kh. Khisamov,
Candidate of Legal Sciences, 
Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan 

R.V. Shakiryanov,
Candidate of Legal Sciences,
 Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan

The article examines some of the trends of improving civil procedural law in the context of the provisions approved by the decision of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation of 8 December 2014 No. 124 the Concept of the Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, such as questions of the counterclaiming, expansion of the scope of the existing provisions on adjudicating without reasoning and unification of certain rules of procedural institutions of arbitration and civil procedural law. The tendency of constant increase in number of the cases considered by courts, growth of load on judges negatively affects observance of reasonable terms of consideration of the case, and also quality of handed down judgments. At the same time improvement of a work of the courts will not reduce number of applications for judicial protection, and improvement of quality of protection, on the contrary, will promote increase in number of cases in courts. Analyzing the ideas of optimization of arbitration proceedings expressed in the bill, we should agree that in the context of the ongoing work on the unification of civil procedural law, which already found the reflection in the text of the approved Concept, questions of optimization only of arbitral proceedings don’t fully correspond to the system approach of unification chosen now. 

Keywords: Concept of the Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation; counterclaim; judgment; adjudicating without reasoning; short (abbreviated) decisions.


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Information about the authors 

Khisamov A.Kh. (Kazan) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan (420015, Kazan, Pushkin st., 72/2; e-mail: vs.tat@ sudrf.ru). 

Shakiryanov R.V. (Kazan) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan (420015, Kazan, Pushkin st., 72/2; e-mail: vs.tat@ sudrf.ru).

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A.Kh. Khisamov, R.V. Shakiryanov