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The Right to Judicial Protection as a Substantive Procedural Right: Effect of Globalization
T.V. Sakhnova,
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department
of Civil Procedure of the Siberian Federal University
The article is devoted to the realization of the effect of globalization concerning the procedural relations. Effects of globalization on civil process are manifested not only in the sphere of international (spatial) legal communication. These effects also are significant for internal development of procedural law. Understanding the right to judicial protection as a substantive procedural law, I think, is one of the most ontologically important aspects of globalization process. Substantivity of procedural right to judicial protection is demonstrated by the whole mechanism of its realization in the process. So, it is not enough to follow the letter of the law for the acquisition of judgment such character as lawfulness – there should be presented the «spirit» of the law. The methodology of decision-making must conform to recognized values. The minimum of necessary condition for this is clarification in detail of the ontological content and meaning of the law applied by the court (material and procedural) – including in terms of generally accepted legal values. For the realization of the right to judicial protection as a substantive procedural law, it is important the case that was checked by the prior instance court, was associated with the improper implementation of the judicial protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of stakeholders. Objective violation of the law, if it does not suffer from the violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, is not enough to warrant cancellation of the judgment by a superior court during ordinary inspection. In other approach it should be talking not about the judicial activities of the court of verifying instance, but about the purely protective, public activities – concerning the subject, method and the object.
Keywords: right to judicial protection; globalization; the revision of judgments.
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Information about the author
Sakhnova T.V. (Krasnoyarsk) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Siberian Federal University (660075, Krasnoyarsk city, Maerchaka st., 6, room 3-09A; e-mail: [email protected]).
T.V. Sakhnova