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Phenomenon «Regime» as Precondition of Modern Interpretation of New Concept «Regime Categories»

A.V. Tretyakov,
Master of Law (LLM Kazan) of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

He present article, without mentioning bases of terminology of concepts, data in encyclopedias and dictionaries, on the example of the concepts «mode», «regime categories», «order» does attempt from new positions to open scientific meanings which bear separate terms. In article the word «mode», is considered not only as the well-known term but also as the general scientific and category phenomenon, on the basis of metaphysical (initial) sense it is possible to give new interpretation of meanings of other concepts with the term «mode». In other words, the phenomenon «mode» allows to present the principles of bases of new creation of a conceptual framework of some theories and separate scientific concepts and categories. In a stated material phenomenon «mode» and considered by the researcher as the precondition (starting point, a preliminary condition) to integrative (unifying) interpretation of meanings of all other concepts with the term «mode». For their general designation by the researcher the new concept is entered – «regime categories». Similar «uniform interpretation» will allow to unite later «regime categories» in the uniform theory of their life (the theory of modes), and the general principles of construction of «regime categories», including further structure and the element analysis as the researcher hopes, will help of other scientists with the works, constructions and proofs, including questions of civil process. 

Keywords: mode; regime categories; precondition; interpretation; all-scientific character; categorization; legal regime; theory.


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 Information about the author 

  Tretyakov A.V. (Kazan) – Master of Law (LLM Kazan) of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (420008, Kazan city, Kremlevskaya st., 18, e-mail: [email protected]).

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A.V. Tretyakov