Herald of Civil Procedure

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On the 10th Anniversary of the Russian Federation Code of Civil Procedure. Modern Problems of Civil Procedure

The article highlights contemporary issues of civil procedure. The author analyzes the latest relevant scientific works on the system of civil procedure. It is noted that under the system of civil procedure it should be understood due to the unity of civil procedural relationships internally consistent set of civil procedure rules, institutions and other relatively independent business units of this branch of the law, combined into a single unit stable types of bonds. Differentiation sector of civil procedure at the appropriate sub-systems and components (norms, institutions, associations of institutions, etc.) is not arbitrary, at the discretion of the researcher, but on the basis of various objective factors, which are known as the backbone. They can be external, which lie outside the law, and the internal, rooted in the very legal matter. All of them are unequal and in varying degrees cause the system areas of law. Specific procedural rules impractical to regulate in Civil Procedure Code also because many of them are inextricably linked to the substantive law of its content. These rules can be understood, and therefore can only exist together, as both are used together, or they are as a rule for the regulation of both material and procedural relationships. 

Keywords: system of civil procedure; the level of the system; system factors; the types of legal proceedings; the general and special rules of litigation; procedure law.

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Information about the author 

   Sherstjuk V.M. (Moscow) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Law Faculty of the Lomonosow Moscow State University (119899, Moscow city, Leninskiye Gory, MSU, 1st Education Building, 746 room, [email protected]).

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V.M. Sherstyuk