N.G. Eliseev,
E.V. Vershinina,
A.A. Kostin,
This article discusses the issue whether it is possible to apply foreign law to different aspects of international jurisdiction agreement. Ee principal concept of this article is that international jurisdiction agreement is a procedural agreement which is however subject to some general provisions of the Civil Code governing contracts. Subsequently, the procedural aspects of international jurisdiction agreements are governed by the procedural law of the court hearings of the dispute, unless it is specifically provided in the international treaty the court may apply foreign procedural law. On the contrary, the issues concerning the construction of the jurisdiction agreement consent of the parties shall be decided on the basis of the law governing the matrix of the contact.
Keywords: international civil procedure; international jurisdiction agreement; law applicable to international jurisdiction agreement.
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Information about the authors
Eliseev N.G. (Moscow) – Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (119454, Russian Federation, Moscow city, Vernadsky Prospect, 76, e-mail:
[email protected]).
Vershinina E.V. (Moscow) – Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (119454, Russian Federation, Moscow city, Vernadsky Prospect, 76, e-mail:
[email protected]).
Kostin A.A. (Moscow) – Bachelor of Law of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (119454, Russian Federation, Moscow city, Vernadsky Prospect, 76, e-mail:
[email protected]).
N.G. Eliseev, E.V. Vershinina, A.A. Kostin