A.R. Sultanov,
Head of Legal Department JSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim»
In this article author considers the problems of determination of jurisdiction of statements for revision on again opened circumstances and possibility of transfer on jurisdiction of statements already accepted to consideration. Ee analysis is carried out on the basis of detailed analysis of Resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme «Arbitrazh» (Commercial) Court of the Russian Federation. It is specified that the court to which the statement for revision on new circumstances arrived, at the beginning has to establish existence or lack of the bases for revision of the judicial act in connection with definition (change) of practice of application of the rule of law of the Supreme «Arbitrazh» (Commercial) Court of the Russian Federation, also taking into account concrete facts of the case and provisions of the regulations applied by court in consideration of the this case and adoption of the judicial act. In article by the author was made the conclusion that a position o the Supreme «Arbitrazh» (Commercial) Court of the Russian Federation about the directions of the statement for revision on again opened or new circumstances on the basis of the Art. 39 APC of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: jurisdiction; revision on new circumstances; arbitration process; court function.
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Information about the author
Sultanov A.R. (Niznekamsk) – Head of Legal Department JSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim» (423574, Russian Federation, Tatarstan Republic, Nizhnekamsk city, JSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim», e-mail:
[email protected]).
A.R. Sultanov