Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Procedure,
Saratov State Law Academy

The present article examines the modern understanding of the principle of judicial protection
in the framework of civil proceedings. To reveal the topic, the author offers a consistent
study of such legal categories as: “court”, “judicial power”, “function of the court”, “justice”,
“reconciliation” and “judicial protection”. The article is the beginning of such a study,
where the first three categories are considered. Examining the legal category “court”, the
author comes to the conclusion that the main task of the court, as a state body representing
one of the branches of its power, is to achieve the maximum smoothing of conflicts
that have arisen in society, which have turned into disputes, in order to protect the constitutional
system of the country and maintain harmony in society. Further, the author,
based on the positions of scientists and modern Russian legislation, comes to the author’s
definition of the category “judicial power”, which, in his opinion, being one of the branches
of state power, is carried out by a special state body (court) through the implementation
of various functions within the framework of emerging procedural relations, having
different tasks and, at the same time, aimed at achieving two goals – intermediate and
final. Defining the “judicial function” as the activity of the court or other subjects of civil
proceedings established within the framework of a particular task, aimed at achieving
the goal of civil proceedings, the author identifies two main functions/tasks of the court –
reconciliation and consideration and resolution of the case.

Keywords: court; judicial system; judicial power; function of the court; justice; reconciliation;
judicial protection; principle of law; principle of implementation only by the court;
purpose of civil proceedings; task of civil proceedings.


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Information about the author

M.Iu. Lebedev (Saratov, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Procedure, Saratov State Law Academy (1a 1st Urozhainyi proezd,
Saratov, 410047, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Lebedev M.Iu. Printsip sudebnoi zashchity kak vektor razvitiia sovremennogo rossiiskogo
grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva (chast’ 1) [The Principle of Judicial Protection
as a Vector of Development of Modern Russian Civil Proceedings (part 1)]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 264–284. (In
Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2022-12-1-264-284