We in a citing index:
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Director of the Law Institute, Sevastopol State University, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine,
Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Crimea
It is customary to criticize legal science for its sufficient distance from practice. In turn, the
law enforcement officer is often reproached by theorists. This article is a modest attempt
to unite the opposing sides and show that the thesis stated above does not correspond to
reality. Based on the most general theoretical positions, the author of this work examines
in detail real trials and proves that they are based not only on a strict legal norm, but also
on the spirit of the law. The judge, being in a constant difficult situation of choosing the side
that is right, making the final decision, is based primarily on his legal consciousness, and
it, as will be shown later, corresponds to theoretical concepts, legal traditions, established
ethical rules of judicial practice. Due to the specifics of their research interests, decisions on
civil law cases considered in the framework of civil and arbitration protsesses were chosen.
General scientific methods of deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis were used to
prepare this work. In order to enhance the objectivity of the results obtained, the method
of expert assessments was used. Interpretation and modeling made it possible to trace the
logic of the law enforcer and evaluate it for compliance with the spirit of the law.
Keywords: judicial practice; examples of law enforcement; civil procedure; arbitration
procedure; civil law; spirit of the law.
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Information about the author
V.N. Koval (Sevastopol, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Director of
the Law Institute, Sevastopol State University, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Honored
Lawyer of the Republic of Crimea (33 Universitetskaia St., Sevastopol, 299053, Russia;
e-mail: [email protected]).
Recommended citation
Koval V.N. Vliianie kontseptsii dukha zakonov na razvitie sovremennogo grazhdanskogo
material’nogo, a takzhe grazhdanskogo i arbitrazhnogo protsessual’nogo prava [The
Influence of the Concept of the Spirit of Laws on the Development of Modern Civil
Substantive, as Well as Civil and Arbitration Procedural Law]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 23–39. (In Russ.) https://