Herald of Civil Procedure

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Assistant, Department of Civil Procedure, Saint Petersburg State University


The author maintains that the overturning the execution of judgment is an independent legal
dispute. The aim of this procedure is to protect the defendant’s right, that has been violated
by the execution of judgment, which was subsequently reversed. The author criticizes the
understanding of the overturning the execution of judgment as an “automatic” procedure.
The requirement of the overturning the execution of judgment also can’t be identified with
a lawsuit. Reversing the judgment and ending the dispute after a new trial without taking
a decision on the substance itself mean that the result of the execution of a court decision is
not legitimate any more, and the right of the plaintiff has once again become controversial. In
this regard the procedural balance of interests of the parties is violated: the plaintiff continues
to own the recovered property when the presumption of non-liability of defendant is renewed
(as well as by consideration of the claim). The restoration of procedural guarantees of the
defendant lies in the possibility of considering the application for overturning the execution
of judgment. The procedural specificity of the overturning the execution of judgment is that
the defendant, being from a substantive point of view the plaintiff, i.e. the subject of active
legitimation, nevertheless does not bear the burden of proving a violation of his right – it
is presumed. At the same time, the presumption of non-liability is refuted by the claimant’s
proof of the legality of his claims and the defendant’s lack of a violated right.

Keywords: overturning the execution of judgment; legal dispute; way to protect the right;
presumption of non-liability; burden of proof.


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Information about the author

A.V. Torgashev (Saint Petersburg, Russia) – Assistant, Department of Civil Procedure,
Saint Petersburg State University (7 22nd Line of Vasilevskii Island St., Saint Petersburg,
199106, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Torgashev A.V. Povorot ispolneniia resheniia suda kak samostoiatel’nyi spor o prave
[The Overturning the Execution of Judgment as an Independent Legal Dispute]. Vestnik
grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 239–
277. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2021-11-6-239-277