Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Business and Corporate Law,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The article examines the legal nature of the court procedure for establishing creditors’ claims
in insolvency proceedings. A conclusion is drawn about the judicial nature of the procedure
for establishing disputed claims and about the possibility of resolving disputes with creditors
outside of insolvency proceedings. The article analyzes the legal status of creditors whose
claims are subject to establishment in a special procedure. The terms of filing claims by
bankruptcy creditors and authorized bodies for their establishment as participants in the
insolvency procedure and the legal consequences of failure to comply with the established
terms have been investigated. The article compares the insolvency laws of Russia and
Germany on establishing creditors’ claims, reveals the differences in German legislation
on establishing controversial creditors’ claims in a separate legal proceeding. A specific
feature of German legislation on checking undisputed claims with the active participation
of creditors, whose claims are satisfied from the bankruptcy estate, at a meeting of creditors
specially convened for this purpose, has been established. The article analyzes the ways of
protecting the rights of creditors in case of abuse by the debtor and the creditors affiliated
with him of their rights when establishing the claims of creditors. Particular attention is
paid to the use of a knowingly unjust decision and measures to revise it in the course of
insolvency proceedings.

Keywords: insolvency procedure; bankruptcy creditors; authorized bodies; establishment
of claims; separate dispute.


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Information about the author

T.P. Shishmareva (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Business and Corporate Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University
(MSAL) (9 Sadovaia-Kudrinskaia St., Moscow, 123242, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Shishmareva T.P. Ustanovlenie trebovanii kreditorov v protsedurakh nesostoiatel’nosti
v Rossii i Germanii [Establishment of Creditors’ Requirements in Insurance Procedures
in Russia and Germany]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure,
2021, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 179–195. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2021-