We in a citing index:
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Acting Head of the Department of Family and Housing Law, Professor, Department of Civil Law,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Member of the Presidential Council
of the Russian Federation for the Codification and Improvement of the Civil Legislation,
Retired Judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the problems of exercising civil and procedural rights in relations with
the use of artificial intelligence. On the basis of the study of domestic and foreign experience
theoretical and applied provisions on the possibility of transforming the content of the
categories of the subject of law, legal personality, tort liability, outlined the possible directions
of formation of legal regimes in the digital sphere, ways of establishing guilt and limits of
responsibility for the actions of artificial intelligence. The problems of transformation of
object-subject composition of legal relations, characteristics and filling of subjective rights
and duties with powers, principles of realization of subjective rights and fulfillment of
duties, stages and order of direct realization of rights and duties, protection of subjective
rights, in particular, in choosing of method of protection, non-standard approaches to the
issues of abuse of rights, participation (use) of artificial intelligence in administration of
justice (“predicted justice”) are considered.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; litigation; legal regime; predicted justice; civil legal
relations; procedural legal relations; legal personality; tort; transformation of law; civil
liability; legal regulation.
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Information about the author
Е.V. Vavilin (Moscow, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Acting Head
of the Department of Family and Housing Law, Professor, Department of Civil Law,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Member of the Presidential Council of
the Russian Federation for the Codification and Improvement of the Civil Legislation,
Retired Judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (9 Sadovaia-
Kudrinskaia St., Moscow, 123242, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).
Recommended citation
Vavilin Е.V. Transformatsiia grazhdansko-pravovykh i protsessual’nykh otnoshenii
s ispol’zovaniem iskusstvennogo intellekta: formirovanie novykh pravovykh rezhimov
[Transformation of Civil Legal and Procedural Relations with the Use of Artificial
Intelligence: The Formation of New Legal Regimes]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa
– Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 13–35. (In Russ.) https://doi.