Herald of Civil Procedure

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Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Department of Civil Procedure, Ural State Law University

In the article, the author continues to distinguish between a civil-legal offset and a set-off
made when the court satisfies a counterclaim and initial claims. As a criterion, recognition is
taken as an act of will, proceeding respectively from the compensator (the person to whom the
application for set-off is addressed) and the defendant in the counterclaim. The article analyzes
the anticipated and “double-edged” recognition. The author substantiates the admissibility
of using the mechanism of convalidation (cure) of a defective transaction for cases when the
corresponding expression of will is addressed to the court without presenting an independent
claim for recognizing the transaction as valid. The issues related to the determination of the
moment from which the transaction is considered cured, the content of the convalidated
contract, as well as the legal consequences of the subsequent judicial discrediting of the
convalidated transaction on the grounds related to its impugnability are considered.

Keywords: civil-legal set-off; set-off made when the court satisfies counterclaims and
initial claims; judicial recognition; anticipatory recognition; “double-edged” recognition;
convalidation of a defective transaction.


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Information about the author

D.B. Abushenko (Yekaterinburg, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Department of Civil Procedure, Ural State Law University (21 Komsomolskaia St., Yekaterinburg,
620137, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Abushenko D.B. Grazhdansko-pravovoi zachet i zachet, proizvodimyi pri udovletvorenii
sudom vstrechnogo i pervonachal’nogo iskov: teoreticheskie razmyshleniia o skhodstve
i otlichiiakh pravovykh institutov (prodolzhenie) [Civil-Law Set-off and Set-off Made
When the Court Satisfies Counterclaims and Initial Claims: Theoretical Reflections on
the Similarities and Differences of Legal Institutions (continuation)]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 50–69. (In Russ.)