Herald of Civil Procedure

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Junior Researcher, Post-Graduate Student,
Faculty of Law, Kazan Federal University


In this article, the author attempts to consider the processes of automation, digitalization
and digitalization in the daily life of a lawyer, and the issue of using these processes in the
formation of evidence is outlined. This procedural and procedural issue is disclosed through
the prism of substantive law and the designation of specific examples and real situations
arising in law enforcement practice and the daily activities of a lawyer. The article also
addresses specific issues in the field of compliance and risk assessment associated with
both pre-contractual activities and probabilistic assessment of the flow of an abstract legal
relationship in the plane of a legal dispute, in particular the assessment of the enforceability
of the judgment at the stage of enforcement proceedings based on information about the
wealth of the counterparty. In conclusion, the author concludes that even information from
open sources can act as a trigger to improve the quality level of preparation of the plan and
the algorithm of specific steps of a lawyer, and the further informatization of society makes
preliminary information preparation an increasingly important stage in many processes,
in particular the process of gathering evidentiary material on a particular dispute.

Keywords: evidence; digitalization; civil procedure; compliance; transformation of
procedural relations; procedural reform.


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Information about the author

N.N. Makolkin (Kazan, Russia) – Junior Researcher, Post-Graduate Student, Faculty
of Law, Kazan Federal University (18 Kremlevskaia St., Kazan, 420008, Russia;

Recommended citation

Makolkin N.N. Avtomatizatsiia i digitalizatsiia v pravoprimenitel’noi praktike
i formirovanie dokazatel’stvennoi bazy: postanovka problem [Automation and Digitalization
in Law Enforcement and Evidence Generation: Statement of the Problem]. Vestnik
grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 224–
235. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2021-11-3-224-235