Herald of Civil Procedure

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Assistant Judge, Moscow Regional Court, Applicant,
Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Branch of the Institute of Public Service
and Administration of the Academy of National Economy and Public Service
under the President of the Russian Federation


The article reveals the theoretical aspects of administrative legal proceedings, as one of the
forms of the exercise of judicial power, the features and significance of the administrative
judicial process in the mechanism of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen,
the analysis is given of the constitutional foundations of the human rights function of the
judiciary, its essence and content, procedural actions. The author reveals the historical
aspects of the formation and development of judicial protection in Russia, oreign experience
and models of administrative justice are considered, the importance of administrative
proceedings in the implementation of the human rights function of the judiciary in the
Russian Federation when considering disputes with the participation of public authorities
and citizens and the exercise of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens is
revealed. The author substantiates the advantages of the judicial administrative process as
a procedural form of implementation of the human rights function of the judiciary and the
implementation of the constitutional right to judicial protection, analyzes the reform of the
judicial system of the judicial system, the creation of courts of appeal and cassation in the
system of arbitration and general jurisdiction, substantiates the conclusion that the reform
of the system of courts of general jurisdiction created organizational and judicial framework
for the specialization of judges and court proceedings, the system of institutional intra-system
control of the legality and validity of judicial acts, institutionally and functionally ensured
the implementation of the human rights function of the judiciary and the availability of
judicial protection in the system of courts of general jurisdiction.

Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation; judiciary; human rights function;
judicial protection; judicial control; rights; freedoms; citizen; protection; mechanism of state
protection; administrative proceedings; public authorities; public authorities; judiciary;
appeal, cassation courts of general jurisdiction; judicial reform.


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Information about the author

V.V. Movchan (Moscow, Russia) – Assistant Judge, Moscow Regional Court, Applicant,
Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Branch of the Institute of Public Service
and Administration of the Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the
President of the Russian Federation (4, Bldg. 3 Stroitelei Blvd., Krasnogorsk, 143411,
Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Movchan V.V. Pravozashchitnaia funktsiia sudebnoi vlasti v administrativnom sudoproizvodstve:
institutsional’nyi i funktsional’nyi aspekty [The Human Rights Function of
the Judiciary in Administrative Proceedings: Institutional and Functional Aspects]. Vestnik
grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 205–
225. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2021-11-2-205-225