Herald of Civil Procedure

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PhD Student, Department of Civil and Administrative Procedure,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


Within the framework of this study the author analyzes the procedural order for concluding
a settlement agreement in group proceedings. Procedural features of concluding a settlement
agreement considering disputes involving a large group of persons are highlighted. Particular
attention is paid to the research of the legal nature of the application to join the group’s
claim. It has been established that according to the procedural legislation in force, the issue
of concluding a settlement agreement in cases aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate
interests of a group of persons is decided independently by the person conducting the case. It
has been revealed that as a result of law imperfection, the scope of a joint action agreement
invocation in group proceedings tends to be unreasonably limited. The essentiality to
expand this scope by extending it to the procedural order of concluding a settlement
agreement is reasoned. It is substantiated that the legal regulation of the procedural
order for concluding a settlement agreement in group proceedings in force needs further
improvement. The author offers their own view of the procedural model of concluding
a settlement agreement in group proceedings. In conclusion of the study, the author dwells
on problematic aspects of concluding a settlement agreement, considering issues related to
the possibility of concluding a settlement agreement by individual subgroups, individually
interested members of the group, as well as issues related to the admissibility of concluding
a settlement agreement with respect to future claims.

Keywords: settlement agreement; group action; group proceedings; joint action agreement;
protection of the rights and legitimate interests of a group of persons.


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