We in a citing index:
Doctor of Law, Director of the Law Institute, Professor,
Department of Civil Law and Procedure,
Sevastopol State University
The issues of choosing and determining the best ways to protect property rights to real estate
remain relevant at the present time, the constant and rapid development of social relations
and legal norms that are a reaction to social changes. At the same time, the mechanisms
of legal regulation are being transformed in a significant way in order to effectively restore
violated rights. As a result of the described protsesses, a situation occurs when it is difficult to
determine not only the norm to be applied, but also the methods of restoring the violated law
and order in relation to a specific person. This article is devoted to the problem of determining
the appropriate ways to protect the ownership of real estate, based on the analysis of the law
enforcement practice of arbitration proceedings and doctrinal developments on this topic.
The author, using the example of specific court decisions, presents the approaches of a law
enforcement officer in assessing the correctness of the chosen methods of protecting rights.
The work done in the course of the study makes it possible to assess the importance of the
correct choice of the type of claim that should be applied to the competent authorities in the
combination of certain circumstances, for the effectiveness of judicial protection, the role of
the first instance court in helping the parties to determine the correct and effective method of
protection in specific circumstances. violated or contested right. The paper considers examples
of the practice of courts considering economic disputes, according to the types of methods for
protecting the rights to real estate of business entities, public law entities and other participants
in arbitration proceedings. In addition, the article analyzes general and special rules for
choosing the appropriate ways to protect subjective rights and legitimate interests.
Keywords: property right; property; protection of rights; arbitration; arbitration procedure;
court of arbitration.
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Information about the author
V.N. Koval (Sevastopol, Russia) – Doctor of Law, Director of the Law Institute, Professor,
Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Sevastopol State University (33 Universitetskaia
St., Sevastopol, 299053, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).
Recommended citation
Koval V.N. Nekotorye aspekty opredeleniia sposobov zashchity prava sobstvennosti na
nedvizhimoe imushchestvo [Some Aspects of Determining How to Protect the Ownership
of Real Estate]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021,
vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 243–264. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2021-11-1-